Tiffany and Co - Free Art Exhibition
This is a free, limited time art exhibition on the 9th floor of the Tiffany and Co, flagship store. It was such an amazing and worth it experience! The exhibition can be self guided or you can follow the tours they present. The guides and associates of the floor and the entire store are all very nice, knowledgeable, and extremely hospitable.
This exhibit will be there till May 20th, in which all of the art will return to their home in South Hamptons. South Hamptons will also soon have an exhibition that is open to the public for the summer. You can go in person to get tickets but I recommend going online to RSVP a ticket before going in.
It was a really great experience going into such a beautiful flagship and it’s a nice way to build the experience by starting at the top floor (art exhibition) and working your way down to see all that Tiffany and Co has to offer
Culture of Creativity @Tiffany & Co The Landmark